Warung Bebas

Monday, November 26, 2012

HIJABIST Book Tour to Bandung PART: II

Assalamualaikum beautiful,

Day two of our booktour to Bandung.. Hari kedua ini agendanya isi acara di engajian HC Bandung yg bertempat di butik Alifa, BKR. Acara pengajiannya sendiri terdiri dari beberapa acara, diantaranya ada Writing Class with Terrant Book dengan Mba Via Erdyan sebagai pembicaranya. Disitu para hijabers bisa dapet ilmu soal menulis, karena sebenarnya semua orang bisa nulis cerita. Tinggal dikembangkan aja sesuai dengan minat masing-masing. Setelah acara writing class, ada tausyiah bersama Ustad Ali mengenai entrepreneurship. Lagi-lagi isi tausyiahnya berguna banget bagi temen-temen yangsedang atau mau memulai usaha sendiri. Karena kan yang seperti kita tau, makin kesini makin banyak anak-anak muda kreatif dan inovatif yang lebih memilih untuk bekerja sendiri atau bahkan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan baru dibanding harus bekerja ada orang lain. Nah disini dibahas nih dari segi islam bagaimana. Baru deh, setelah tausyiah.. acara aku, siti dan etu.. kami disana basically untuk membahas buku (novel) yang baru aja kami luncurkan. Yaa, kita cerita bagaimana prosesnya, dari awal brainstorming, penulisan sampai finishing.

We're so happy being included in this Hijabist Tour. Hopefully para peserta juga seneng dan mendapatkan sesuatu yang berguna bagi mereka. Can't wait to have another book tour to other cities in Indonesia.

See you at the next book tour ya.. Go follow @terranthijabist or visit their website www.hijabist.com for more info and stay updated by their events!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HIJABIST Book Tour to Bandung PART: I

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

This post gonna be both in Indonesia and English, mix mix.. Jadi pada tanggal 17-18 Nov kemarin Terrant Hijabist, our book publisher held a book tour for our readers who wants to experience traveling with us (me, Siti and Etu). So the first destination for this tour is Bandung. Para peserta pun berangkat bersama dari Jakarta jam 7 pagi naik bus yang nyaman banget. On day 1, kita trip ke The Dreams Cake home shop. Disana kita boleh ngintip proses produksi jarcake The Dreams Cake yang terkenal itu plus kita juga bisa mendengar sharing dari owner of TDC, Dara Rahma Illahiya.

First, kita diajak keliling tempat produksi dulu nih. Dibawah ini beberapa tahap akhir pembuatan rainbow jarcake. Yang bulet-bulet itu cake nya, yang nantinya akan diratakan trus ditumpuk didalam jar with cream in every layer.

Nah ini dia cake yang sudah dirapihkan bentuknya, kemudian diletakan didalam toples dengan warna selang seling. Namanya juga rainbow ya, harus warna warni and gonjreng. FYI, this rainbow jarcake taste so yummy, sweet and smell so good since the cream base is milk. Yummmmm..

These are not colorful bread, but these are also rainbow sponge cake for bigger cake instead of jarcake. 

After looking around the production area, Teh Dara (the owner) share with us about the start of The Dreams Cake company and how did it goes. Ternyata untuk memulai dan menjalani usaha kuliner seperti ini banyak tantangannya lho. Yang awalnya teh Dara iseng-iseng cari kegiatan setelah moving back from Perth, eh akhirnya malah keterusan berbisnis kuliner ini. Rough start, mulai dari ditolak beberapa toko untuk menitip produknya, sampai banyak copy cat yang meniru produk serupa. Well, itulah bisnis.. We got to be tough though.. Berkat keuletan dan kegigihan teh Dara dalam membangun usaha ini, sekarang The Dreams Cake sudah punya beberapa cabang di Bandung, Jakarta dan Medan. Well done! Keren! Pas ditanya soal omzet, ibu 1 anak ini malu-malu.. But I'm sure it must be BIG!

After curhat session with Teh Dara, mba Via.. our beloved Mba Via (CEO of Terrant) give her speech regarding this book tour. Tujuan dari book tour ini selain jalan-jalan bareng, bisa jadi ajang silaturahmi dan sharing satu sama lain. Diharapkan peserta bisa mendapatkan pengalaman sekaligus ilmu baru during this trip. 

And here comes the fun part! They let us create our own cupcakes! yeaaayyyyy.. we're so excited.. They gave us cupcake and decoration tools. And so we start, seriously.. My face tell..
Siti busy with her bbm.. bbm-ing...... You know who :p

And this is Me, Siti and Etu along with our own cupcake creations.. yeaayyy! Siti's cupcake is the sexiest one since me and Etu create hijabers figure while Siti creates....hmmmm.. Betty Boop alike figure.
 Thanks The Dreams Cake for a great experience and meaningful sharing..
You may follow their tweet @TheDreamsCake 
Home shop: Jl. BKR No. 22 Bandung

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

HOW I draw my eyebrow

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

I received many questions about my eyebrow.. If I may break down the question list, probably like this:
1. Do they tattoed? NO
2. Alisnya di sulam? NO
3. Alisnya dicukur? NO
4. Cara bikin alisnya gimana? How to make your eyebrow to be like that?

Well, I'll share it to you..
1. Your natural default eyebrow ready to be made over and be drew
2. First thing you should do is, start draw a frame or shape of eyebrow that you want.. This step is the most essential and need full concentration.. Since left and right eyebrow should be even and precisely draw. All you need is relax hand and sharp eyebrow pencil.
3. After shaping/ framing is done, you may start coloring it.
4. Still looking harsh and stiff right? Shades the inner tip of your eyebrow using the cap of the pencil or you can use your finger instead. By shades them, your eyebrow will looks more natural..
5. Tadaaa! And its done.. You can see a huge different between picture 1 and 5, can't youu?

NB: you may use any brand of cosmetics and color as you like.

Hope you like it, and have a great trial :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hello World

Assalamualaikum beautiful,

Wooowww so sorry for a long postponed in this blog.. Phew! What should I say, having a baby makes my life more content.. I almost have no time to start my laptop, to take proper picture to be posted in this blog.. Sowwyyyy..

Well this motherhood life is sooooooo fun! My son is almost 2 months now, and seeing his progress day by day is precious.. And alhamdulillah he's still breastfed til now.. Hopefully I can breastfeed him exclusively for 6 months.. Aamiin..

And thanks to breastfeed, I can lost 15 kgs in 2 months without any diet at all.. On the other hand, I ate a lot.. Like 4 times a day in a big big portions every meal.. And still losing weight, what a perfect thing.. Ahahaha..

Anyway, I update my Instagram (@suciutami) more often than updating my blog.. So meanwhile you can follow my instagram instead..

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