Warung Bebas

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Letters to You


Dear Son,

Its been like 38 weeks since you're here in Mam's belly for the first time.. Mam and Pap firstly acknowledge you with the size as a bean curd, almost a dot.. But you should know how happy Mam and Pap to hear the doctor said that, "You have fetus on your womb that will grow and become a baby.." You were the most beautiful bean curd-alike that time..

Carrying you for 9 months in Mam's belly is like a miracle and the most precious moment in Mam's life. Your first kick, to see you on USG screen, subhanallah.. Mam always try my best to keep you safe and sound. Maybe now, Mam's belly still the safest place for you to live.. Mam gives you supply of air and food.. And the warmth inside, probably the best temperature for your body.

Son, you know what? InsyaAllah tomorrow we will meet for the first time (gosh Mam is teary right now). Yes Son, are you ready to see Mam and Pap? You will meet 2 persons that has been always the closest to you for the last 9 months. Yes, we can hug! We can kiss.. Allahuakbar.. Mam and Pap already prepare everything to welcome you.. Out here, can be hot..can be cold.. Can be noisy, can be so quiet.. It might not as safe as Mam's belly.. But we promise you Son, we will always take care of you and keep you safe.. With the guidance from Allah SWT. Aamiin allahuma aamiin..

Dear Papap (my Husband),

Pap, makasih ya udah jadi suami SIAGA (Siap Antar Jaga) selama Mamam hamil. You have shown me what true love is, something that never been describe in any love story..

Your love is the sudden-late-nite-wake up due to my scream over a bad leg cramp..
Your love is your willingness to rub my back everytime I feel pain..
Your love is your patience during my insomnia and "rewelness"..
Your love is your spirit in encouraging me to eat healthy..
Your love is when you come home and bring me fruits, milk and vegetables..
Your love is every kiss and hug everytime I feel unattractive..
I love you Papap.. So much..

Our Son will come soon.. more or less in 12 hours.. InsyaAllah.. Our family will become bigger! Subhanallah.. Mudah-mudahan Allah memberikan kelancaran dan keselamatan untuk kita ya.. Aamiin allahuma aamiin..

Sunday, September 9, 2012

When What we Want is not Accordance with Reality

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Quite long title for a post, right? Yes, I wanna tell you a story about when what we want is not accordance with reality. So, alhamdulillah my pregnancy has already reach 36 weeks now.. or 9 months! yes, aku lagi menghitung hari.. counting til the day is come.. when we meet our baby for the first time.. InsyaAllah..

As pregnant women in general, from the beginning of pregnancy we are haunted by some of the fears about the pregnancy thingy. Especially about the health of the fetus in the womb. Eat healthy and nutritious foods, do not eat carelessly, increase nutrition to the baby in the womb, and so forth. And of course, as a mother-to be, we want the best for our babies, right? That is just the problem of nutrition and health of the fetus. Not to mention the other issues that we often think about during pregnancy, childbirth.

Most pregnant women crave to give birth the natural way or normal. At least that's what I wanted from the beginning. For delivery by normal means, said a lot of people a lot of benefits. First, it quickly recovered. Secondly, could feel the struggle of a real motherhood. Third, but not least important, is much cheaper. Hehe. So I had been longing to have a normal delivery. Until the time I join pregnancy exercise for the first time when my pregnancy was more or less than 30 weeks. After the exercise, the instructor asked the participants, "anyone here suffer eye minus?" Then I raised my hand and said, "I was minus 4 and 5." Then the nurse informed something that I had never heard before, she told me that pregnant women who suffer  should consult to eye doctor with a referral from the obstetrician.The explanation, someone with minus eye may have a thin retina so it would be very risky when pushing in the normal birth process.

After hearing that, I decide to go to eye doctor A.S.A.P to have my eyes checked. Especially the retina. Of course I went to the doctor with my husband. First, I didn't really worried about what will the doctor say. Aku cenderung santai sambil terus dzikir didalam hati. Berusaha pasrah dan ikhlas dengan apapun keputusan dokter pada saat itu. Lalu masuklah aku ke ruang praktek dokter mata dan akan periksa retinaku, she's a retina expert (they said). Mulai deh ngerasain ketegangan itu, tapi tetep berusaha santai dan sok akrab ama dokter sambil menjelaskan kedatanganku kesana dan mau cek apa. Beliau pun langsung ngerti. After a little bit chit chat, she told me to sit on the hot seat, the examination seat. First she check my right eye, and I heard she was whispering, "bagus.. masih oke.." and then come with my left eye, and she continues whispering, "wah, banyak cracknya.. gak bisa spontan ini sih.." And my heart beat faster than before.. hah? crack? gak bisa spontan?? what are they supposed to mean??? Dan kami pun kembali duduk di meja konsultasi dokter sambil beliau menjelaskan pelan-pelan. She start to draw my eye condition while explaining, "jadi kondisi mata yang sehat itu seperti ini bu...." and she explains about healthy eye condition. Barulah setelah itu beliau menjelaskan tentang keadaan mataku, beliau bilang retina mata kananku masih bagus dan tidak terjadi penipisan. Tapi masalahnya ada pada retina mata kiriku.. sudah terjadi banyak penipisan atau crack di beberapa spot. Kondisi ini termasuk yang high risk untuk melahirkan secara spontan/ normal. Karena apabila mata yg retinanya tipis ini dipaksakan untuk mengejan ketika persalinan, kemungkinan terburuk bisa terjadi. Yaitu RETINA LEPAS atau ROBEK yang akan menyebabkan BUTA mendadak. Dan dokter pun berkata, "Jadi, saya highly recommend you to have c-section".

Aku cuma bisa diem, gak kuat ngomong apa-apa. Seperti adegan sinetron, suddenly my inner voice was so loud and other voices just like echoing and fade away. Dan tiba-tiba mata becek.. berusaha nahan tapi akhirnya gak tertahan juga dan nangislah aku diruang dokter. Knowing that I can't have normal delivery for my first child is trully devastating for me. All my dreams and thought of having those pain before delivery.. pushing.. all vanish just like that. Sedih bangetttt..

But theeenn, I realize.. Ini semua udah kehendak Allah.. dari mulai aku ikut senam hamil, kemudian instrukturnya nanya soal mata minus and I raised my hand.. Itu udah kehendak Allah..bisa aja kan aku hari itu gak senam, atau instrukturnya pas lg gak nanya, atau aku gak usah angkat tangan krn pada hari itu pun aku pake soft lense koq. Back again, ini kehendak Allah.. Allah yang mengatur semuanya.. Subhanallah.. Jadi sekarang udah harus ikhlas dan nerima kalo untuk anak pertama, insyaAllah aku harus menjalani operasi caesar. But it doesn't matter as long as my baby is healthy. I'm healthy. and my husband healthy. InsyaAllah aamiin.

Jadi sekarang lagi mau nentuin tanggal nih, kapan kira-kira mau melahirkannya. Hehehe.. Pray for us yaa.. Maaf kalo tulisannya panjang..

Mamam and Papap to be. Aamiin (36 weeks)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

SUCH! Newest Collections

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Aku belum sempat nih update di blog tentang new collection dari SUCH! by Suci Utami, my label. Sebenernya new collection ini sudah di launching saat Ramadhan kemarin, but still limited since it was only available for the current event that time. But now, alhamdulillah its already available online and you can grab them fast!

To order, go to ORDER FORM at http://suchbysuchi.blogspot.com


Monday, September 3, 2012

HIJABIST Book Can be Ordered HERE!

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Udah tau kan soal novel "HIJABIST: Confessions of Hijab Fashion Blogger" yang ditulis oleh aku, Siti Juwariyah dan Restu Anggraini.Alhamdulillah kita seneng banget untuk semua response yang kita terima dari twitter, baik yang udah beli dan baca.. atau yang masih kesulitan mencari novel kami ini. FYI, good newsss! Sekarang novel HIJABIST ini bisa dipesan di blog aku atau blog Siti Juwariyah. Tinggal klik button yang ada disebelah kiri atas blog aku, langsung ke direct ke order form yang bisa kamu isi. Another surprise to tell, cuma ada 100 buku + tanda tangan penulis lhooo.. Yeayyy! Harga bukunya Rp 48.000 (belum termasuk ongkos kirim), reseller are welcome dengan diskon khusus..

So what are you waiting for, click the button, fill in the order form, confirm your payment and walaaah! the book will arrive to your home ASAP! more info email to: novelhijabist@gmail.com.

Click this button on your left

For you who live in Jakarta and around, you may also find this novel at MUSE 101 FX Sudirman 3rd Floor, Jakarta at Mainland's counter. This novel also already available at GRAMEDIA (Jabodetabek) and TGA (Toko Gunung Agung) untuk seluruh Jakarta dan Luar Kota. 


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