Warung Bebas

Monday, July 30, 2012

Book Launching "HIJABIST: Confessions of Hijab Fashion Blogger"

Bismillahirohmanirohim.. We present you..

The launching of our book, HIJABIST: Confessions of Hijab Fashion Blogger on August 12th, 2012 at Pejaten Village 3rd floor 3PM onwards.. FOR FREE! Please come and meet up!

You can also join "Buka puasa bersama Siti Juwariyah, Suci Utami and Restu Anggraini" on the event and get goodie bags from the authors and Terrant (registration needed).

More info, please follow @terranthijabist on twitter or you can also check their blog: http://terranthijabist.blogspot.com

SEE YOU THERE Beautiful!

Hijabee Surabaya Festival 2012

MISLA Playdate

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

Alhamdulillah MISLA Playdate event on July, 22nd was done so well and really fun. Another chance to meet new people, new friends.. Moreover, I can be with my friend Ola that day.. Can you imagine, she's just having her baby delivered probably 2 months ago.. and now she's already busy arranging this event.. She's also one of the Productive Housewife team... hehe.. Anyway, since this event was quite private and intimate.. so we were gathered in not so big space with lovely decoration.. The event started by make up class by Wardah cosmetics.. 

Make up palette provided by Wardah
See? sweet decoration
The participants posed with the goodiebagssss
And I was about to start the hijab class (30 weeks pregnancy)

Mrs. Ola held the mic for me during the hijab class

Took pic with all the participants, wearing CCP from Such!
And yeahh, with the owner of MISLA boutique
Overall, it was a great event and I really love to be there.. Thanks Ola for having me and thank you for these pictures.. and you can visit MISLA Musliman Boutique at Jl. Kemandoran I no. 14B Grogol Utara, Jakarta Selatan  (021-5366 1584) and follow their tweets @MISLAWebstore

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Comfort, is You

Kenyamanan itu gak bisa dibuat buat.. setuju kan? Kenyamanan itu merupakan suatu keadaan dimana kita merasa tenang, pewe, peaceful, happy, nyaris gak ada beban. Badan terasa enteng (ini kiasan ya untuk aku.. heuhehe).. Mencari kenyamanan gak semudah membalikan telapak tangan.. Kenyamanan sama aja dengan ketenganan, untukku.. When I feel comfort, I feel calm.. Setelah aku sadari, kenyamanan itu bukan datang dari banyaknya waktu luang yang kita punya, bukan dari mobil bagus yang kita kendarai, bukan dari kasur empuk yang kita tiduri, bukan dari rumah indah yang kita bangun.. Kenyamanan itu ternyata datang dari siapa orang yang kita ajak untuk berbagi dan menikmati semua kenyamanan itu.. Seorang spesial yang bisa bikin waktu luang menjadi lebih berharga, mobil yang terasa somehow lebih sejuk when we ride with him, kasur empuk yang kita nikmati bersamanya (ini yang udah nikah ya), dan rumah tempat berbagi tawa bersamanya.. Subhanallah..

Nyaman, tenang, indah.... Bahagia.. Alhamdulillah.. Bersyukur tiada henti pada Allah SWT yang telah menunjukan dan memilihkan seseorang untuk bisa berbagi semua nikmat ini sehingga terasa lebih nyaman.. Seseorang yang selalu ada for the last 1,5 years with me, dan mudah-mudahan dengan ridho Allah akan bersama selamanya.. Suamiku.. hmmppppp.. Mendadak mata rada becek ya.. hihi.. Subhanallah.. I love you Papap.. My comfort, is you.. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Behind The Scene of Our Book

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

Have you heaarrrdddd??? That me and my beautiful blogger friends Siti Juwariyah and Restu Anggraini were  writing a book together.. Yup! a book with the three of us as authors and fashion contributors. We've been working on this project for almost 5 months until its done, and yup! during my pregnancy.. hihihi.. Another project that I've done with my Junior inside my belly.. what a great time we had.. Junior was soooo cooperative and knowing that his/her Mom is working on her passion.. hihihi.. Alhamdulillah.. 

It wasn't easy working on this book while I'm pregnant, because I was unable to be too tired or stand too long, etc. Thank God, my book mate Siti and Etu were really understanding.. I'm soo lucky to have friends like them.. thanks girls.. 

And yeaahh, I'd like to share the "Behind the Scene" pictures from the making of this book.. Well actually not 100% behind the scene since some of the picture also inputted to the book.. Well here you go, the sneak peak.. 

Annddddd.. Bismillahirohmanirohim.. This is the book cover! Tadaaaaaaaaaa..

The book title is "HIJABIST: The Confessions of Hijab Fashion Bloggers". This is not just like ordinary hijab book, this book is more personal.. Confession? why? Because in this book, you'll find our stories.. Story about each of us, how we find love, our career, our dream, our fashion line.. Complete! This book also provide unique hijab tutorial, fashion tips and mix and match from us. I shall say that we really satisfy with the result! fiuhhhh.. I almost cry now.. Yes.. There are so many emotional moment during the making of this book.. I found new family.. I'm in love with this book.. totally in love..

And the GOOD NEWS is.. You can ORDER THIS BOOK NOW! yeaayyy.. To order:
Send email to: terranthijabees@gmail.com

So what are you waiting for.. Order this book now (its pre order) and you can get the chance to have signed book from us.. Hopefully this book will be useful and inspiring for the reader.. Aamiin.. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

HIJAB PLAYDATE at Misla Muslimah Boutique

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

Upcoming event! Hijab Playdate by MISLA Muslimah Boutique.. Woohoo.. An intimate event (only 20 seats available) during fasting month of Ramadhan.. Really looking forward for this event.. Please read the poster above for the details.. For registration you may contact: 021-5366 1584. Follow their tweets @MISLAWebstore

A day with HijabComm Tangerang

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

July 15th , 2012.. A day start not so early.. Me and hubby still "leyeh2" on our bed after subuh prayer until 8 a.m.. Yes, we didn't really in a rush because it was Sunday morning.. buuuttt, in spite of that.. I know that I have an exciting event to attend.. which is Grand Launching of HijabComm Tangerang.. They invited me as hijab tutor for that event.. Alhamdulillah..

So I started to prepare myself.. took a bath, did my make up and hijab.. And we took off at 11.30 pm to the venue which took place at Gedung Serba Guna Palem Semi, Karawaci Tangerang. As always, my husband, my mom and dad came along with me. Its so nice to have my family along in every event that I should attend. Makes me feel more comfortable and secure. Anyway, I arrived at 13.30.. yes it was a quite long trip for us from Depok to Karawaci.. hihihi..

As I got there, the event have already started.. It was opened by powerful and great tausyiah by Ustadzah Denok. After that, the community was verified and officially launched by Pimpinan Komisi III DPRD Tangerang. Congratulations!! aannddd after the community was officially launched, it was my turn to the stage and have my spot. Wow, it was nerve wrecking since the audience was quite a lot and they all looks pretty..

 Started with talkshow lead by the MC of the day Sari. 

All the beautiful audience, and my mom was at the front row wearing yellow

Photo session with the audiences, it was fun, chaos and funny

Me with the committee. Yes! it was only the 5 of them arranging this grand lauching.

Me with the President of HijabComm Tangerang, Putri
Both of us are expecting! alhamdulillah
Thank you HijabComm Tangerang for having me, thanks for your hospitality and warm welcome. It was a great event, moreover arranged only by 5 persons! wow.. And for you who live in Tangerang, you may be part of them and seek about their info through their twitter account @HijabCommTNG. See you soon girls..

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Featured in Aquila-Style.com

Getting featured in aquila-style.com in "An All-Round Fashionista" section. Thanks!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Proudly Present: "Hijab Style by Suci and Siti" tutorial DVD

Suci and Siti proudly present to you, our first project "Hijab Style by Suci Utami and Siti Juwariyah VOL. 1". Check out the trailer video:

Hijab tutorial project that we packed in DVD format in order to give you the best quality of high definition tutorial video that you can watch over and over. 

Kabar gembiranya, DVD ini sudah bisa dipesan dari sekarang! yeaayy.. Sistem PO akan kami berlakukan ya. Teman-teman yang mau pesan DVDnya, bisa langsung klik disini lalu isi ORDER FORM nya yaa.. Kami juga memberikan discount khusus untuk teman-teman yang berminat menjadi reseller. Semua info tentang DVD ini sudah lengkap kami tuliskan di blog hijabstylebyss.blogspot.com jadi jangan ragu-ragu untuk langsung meluncur ke blog kami ya.. 


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Grand Launching Hijab Community Tangerang

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

Yeaayy! Another opportunity for me to meet and silaturahim with new friendssss.. really happy! After having the chance to meet hijabees from Depok, alhamdulillah Hijab Community Tangerang invited me to also participate as hijab tutor on their Grand Launching entitled "Amazing Things About Hijab" which insyaAllah will be held in July 15th, 2012 at Gedung Serba Guna Palem Semi. Details and inquiries please see at the poster below.. 


For you beautiful who live in Tangerang, lets join this event.. I can't wait to meet many new friendsss... hehe.. See you there yaaa.. 

Its Raining Outside

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Its raining outside.. well.. it drives me to post sharing thoughts in my blog.. actually it will be about some random things that happen to me lately.. Well, lets start with my pregnancy.. Alhamdulillah now my pregnancy is about 27 weeks.. Subhanallah.. (anyway, postnya campur campur ama bahasa Indonesia ya..) During this week of pregnancy, many things has changed.. obviously.. Ya selain badan yang makin membesar, eh ralat.. perut yang semakin membesar, ya badan juga sih.. heuhehehe.. ada hal positif yang bisa aku rasakan perbedaannya dalam diri aku. Since Allah trust me and hubby with this wonderful and precious gift, kami menjadi pasangan yang lebih dewasa.. Mature.. Maksudnya? We spent a year as a silly yet fun couple.. and now, it transforms into a silly, fun and mature couple.. Kehamilan ini membuat kami bisa semakin wise dalam memutuskan sesuatu.. to choose our priority above our hobbies or interest.. things that maybe we still can't do a year ago.. Yes, priority become a good friend of us, and amazingly.. kita gak pernah merasa terbebani dengan prioritas-prioritas yang ada karena prioritas itu juga hal-hal yang menyenangkan lagi penting, tentunya.. We always try to enjoy everything we've been through.. avoid stressed out! especially untuk bumil, hindari hal-hal yang bikin tegang, pusing apalagi stress.. Be happy!

Anyway, sekarang Junior kami sudah makin aktif di perut, gerakannya udah sampai tahap yang bikin kaget tiba-tiba.. putaran dia didalem juga udah lumayan berasa.. mudah-mudahan Junior sehat terus ya.. doain yaaa Tante-Tante cantikkkk.. :*

And I received few gift from dearest and nice people.. ini diantaranya..

Follow their tweets yaa.. Thanks soo much for the gift.. Lovely scarf, seriously.. :) 


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