Warung Bebas

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Arisan Blogger Married: PART IV

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Finally we meet up again, this is our monthly arisan as usual. But this arisan is quite special since Ola has return!! yeaayyy.. She's already recover after gave birth to a very handsome baby named Khalifa Ali Fadly, we call him baby Kal, and Ghaida bring Nifa (her 1,5 yo daughter) along. It was a fun, lots of laugh day.

And you know who is the winner of this 4th round of arisan? It was Ola!! weeeww.. ahahaha.. what a perfect timing.. Since Mothercare held an up to 70% discount event, so she can buy "oleh-oleh" for the little one.. hihihi.. Lucky her.. and of course lucky baby Kal.. :)

The dresscode for our meeting that day was PINK! no further definition of what kind of pink should we wear.. so we ended up by wearing all different shades of pink. Obviously, since I love shocking color so I choose shocking pink, and the other such as Fika, Nadya, Siti like more light shades so they choose baby pink or dusty pink. Well it was a pinky pinky day.. hehehe.. And sorry that I don't have many picture from our meeting that day..

Shades of pink!

Jumpsuit: by Ria Miranda (Available at Muse 101 FX Plaza F3)
Outer: by Nabilia (Available at Muse 101 FX Plaza F3)
Inner Ninja: Such! by Suchi Utami (shocking pink)

Scarf by: Amelle Scarf
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AmelleByAmelia
Twitter: @amellescarf

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hijab Tutorial at Grand Launching HC Depok

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

Alhamdulillah on June 17th, I was invited by HC Depok (Hijab Community Depok) committee to be tutor for hijab tutorial session at their Grand Launching event. The event was held in Auditorium Prof. Juwono Sudarsono, FISIP UI Depok. 

Registration desk

All the registered participant will receive goodie bag from Such! 

Taking picture with one of participants from the event

The pretty ladies are enjoying their lunch during ISHOMA time

Such! goodie bag are sweetly sit on the chair

I was waiting for my turn up on stage

Me on stage, giving introducing speech

Tutoring 3 hijab styles to the audiences

Subhanallah, really happy to see how the audience practicing the hijab style, tutored by me. 
 Alhamdulillah it was a fun day! yeayy.. meeting new people, new friends, got interact with many audiences.. Excuse my joke and silliness..hehehe.. Hopefully my tutorial was useful and helpful for your daily hijab look yaa.. And congratulations HC Depok for your Grand Launching, and of course thank you for your hospitality during the event. May your community grows big in gathering and inspiring hijabers especially in Depok area. Thanks for having me.


Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

It's been a hectic weekend for us (me, my hubby and my team). After having Hijab Fest '12 at Bandung 12-15 June, and then we had another event to attend on June 17th, which is Grand Launching of HC Depok (Hijab Community Depok) at FISIP UI, Depok. I will post the story later okay. Anyway, here are candid picture that taken by my brother while I was taking care of booth. 

Hoodie Batwing Top by Such! (upcoming!), Inner Ninja by Such! (dusty purple),
headpiece by Forever 21. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

(Key)words in My Life

Photographed by: Siti Juwariyah
Make Up by: Irma Novita, contact her at: 082123467011
Inner Ninja (Shocking Pink) by: Such! by Suci Utami
Cotton Cloth Pashmina (Burgundy) by: Such! by Suci Utami


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