Warung Bebas

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pastel VS Bold

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

Just hang out with friends, had our 3rd arisan to be exact. We had our Arisan after friend's wedding reception, that's why we dressed up..hehehe.. We held our arisan at Nanny's Pavillon Pasific Place, Jakarta. Somehow, dress that we wear that day was divided into two theme, pastels and bold. You can see from the picture, its like we're livin in two different world which represent from our poses.. ahahaha.. Us, who wear pastel color posed so chic and sweet, meanwhile Kara and Fitri were so fierce! hehehe.. It was fun day though, and Nadya was the winner for the third arisan role.. Congrats Nad! And thank you Fika for the pictures.. :) 

I wear Frostya Purpink Kaftan by @miyromiiy. You can also have it by order to Romiy yaaa.. Very recommended kaftan! 

UPCOMING EVENT: Grand Launching HC Depok

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

InsyaAllah aku akan mengisi acara Grand Launching Hijab Community Depok yang detail acaranya adalah sebagai berikut diposter: 

Bagi yang tinggal di Depok dan sekitarnya, ayooo ikutan.. mari kita silaturahmi, berbagi pengalaman dan ilmu. InsyaAllah ini kegiatan yang bermanfaat. Catch their tweets @HCDepok. See you there!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Colorful Pashmina

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

I had a fun day yesterday.. Had a photoshoot with my hubby while also playing with Such! Cotton Cloth Pashmina and inner ninja.. Very colorful! yeayyy.. 

CCP Pink and Inner Ninja Soft Pink

CCP Turquoise and Inner Ninja Mint Green

CCP Bright Purple and Inner Ninja Lavender

NEW COLOR!!! CCP Burgundy and Inner Ninja Mint Green

To see the complete collection you may visit suchbysuchi.blogspot.com  and place your order there.. Have a colorful day beautiful! :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Yellow and Turquoise

Assalamualaikum Beautiful!

Yeayy we meet again.. I've been busy with... hmmmmmm.. resting! ahahaha.. well, alhamdulillah now my pregnancy have already step 20 weeks or 5 months.. and the baby bump is more and more obvious.. and of course my body is getting stretching time by time. I start to feel the stretch at certain body part especially my belly.. and that stretch caused itchiness.. awwwhhh.. The itchiness is quite severe during night time but I hold my self not to scratch it to avoid stretch mark.. fiuuhh.. and the most beautiful part is now I can feel the baby kicks more often and stronger than before, lovely.. About the gender of the baby, still not sure.. maybe we will check at the next visit to the obgyn.. 

Well, being pregnant.. doesn't mean we stop our activities, it just has to be limited.. I still have big project that I've been working on and can't wait until its finished and published.. please pray for it yaaaa.. 

Inner Ninja Black and Yellow Mustard Shiffon Crepe Shawl by
Such! by Suchi

Turquoise Cotton Cloth Pashmina by
Such! by Suchi

And I love this local handcraft handbag from Garut, West Java!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Last Minute Garage Sale: PART I

Assalamualaikum  Beautiful,

Yeaayyy! I decided to do garage Sale over my stuff.. Especially my clothes.. Why?? Obviously because they fit me no more.. hiks..For this garage sale PART: I, I want to let few of my party dresses.. Here they are..

Brownie Ruffled Dress
Material: Shiffon Hi con and Lace
Date of Making: November 2010
Used: NEVER, why? because I moved to KL that time and I never attend any party there. 
Besides, I didn't take this dress with me. 
Size: M, Length: 140cm
PRICE: IDR 675.000 (Include shipping P. Jawa+Laundry)

Champagne Dress
Material: Shiffon Hi-con
Date of Making: November 2010
Used: One time, for my prewed shoot
Size: M, Length: 140cm
PRICE: IDR 455.000 (Include shipping P. Jawa+Laundry)

Pink Lacey Dress
Material: Shiffon Hi-con, Japan Lace, Satin
Date of Making: October 2010
Used: One time, for my bestfriend wedding
Size: M, Length: 140cm
PRICE: IDR 675.000 (Include shipping P. Jawa+Laundry)

For more information and details about each dress, you may email to: suchi.utami@gmail.com

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Have You Heard???

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Come and Join Such! photo contest event.. Best thing about this competition isssss, everyone can join.. Everyone, everywhere (means any city, any country).. yeayyy! Here are some details about it..


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