Warung Bebas

Monday, December 31, 2012

Wonderful Year

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

2012 has come to an end, and now we step to another new year.. Alhamdulillah.. There are many things that happened in my life in 2012, if I may.. I'd like to breakdown those:
1. I move back to Jakarta for good
2. I got a chance to write a book with Siti and Etu.. And make my first DVD hijab tutorial with Siti..
3. I'm pregnant!
4. Allah memberi keberkahan rizqi untukku during my pregnancy
5. Went to Surabaya in my 7th month pregnancy
6. Launch my book!
7. Gave birth of a handsome baby boy that we've been waiting for 9 months.. Kiss him for the first time.. Welcome Kenza Annafi Budy.....
8. Breastfeed!
9. Move in to our new house
10. SUCH! is more widely known and more barokah.. Alhamdulillah..

Those might be just a few of many blessings that I got in 2012.. Subhanallah.. Alhamdulillah.. But the best thing is being able to hug, kiss and be with Kenza all the time! He's my everything now..

Besides reviewing what I have done in 2012, I also would like to list things that I want to do or achieve in 2013:
1. Wrap and launch SUCH! official webstore..
2. Start to write book 2..
3. Go to Mekkah-Madinah for Umroh with my family
4. Be the best mom for Kenza and best wife for my husband
5. Start new projects!! Excited
6. Always be grateful and thankful for everything that Allah gave me and may Allah always shower our family with rizqi yang berlimpah dan berberkah..


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Heart Pants

Assalamualaikum beautiful,

Recently I love to wear this Heart Pants from Radwah Collections by @tiniew.. Very comfy and love the color so much.. Follow their instagram: @tiniew or @radwah

Thursday, December 20, 2012

My baby turns 3 months old

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah.. Kenza has turned 3 months old now.. Subhanallah.. What a most beautiful gift that Allah send to our family so far.. I'm so grateful for the last three months as a Mom and still looking forward for the next month, next year, next 20 years and so on and so forth..

Watching Kenza's growth day by day.. Month by month is like the most beautiful moment for me.. Since he was still a newborn that makes Amam and Apap stay up late at night, and now Kenza's sleeping habit have already changed just like Amam and Apap or adults did.. Subhanallah, even baby adapts.. He knew how to adapt with his new life.. New habit, etc, etc..

In his 3 months, Kenza has already can:
1. Sucking his hands
2. Responding to someone's expression
3. Smiling when see someone's smile at him
4. Baby's talk
5. Sit on Amam's lap
6. Sit on his carseat
7. Swim!
8. Aware with objects in front of him
9. Scream when he's excited
10. Aanndd many more.. Hehehe

Thanks to Allah who always taking care of my son, give him healthy, surround him with angels, and send Kenza to our family.. Kenza is trully mood booster for everyone in our family now..

Keep him always be happy and healthy ya Allah.. Aamiin..

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Post to Siti and Mamet

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Alhamdulillah, finally.. The last bachelorette in Blogger Married finally got married! Yeaayy.. Do you know who is she??? Yes right, Siti Juwariyah.. Alhamdulillah.. The wedding was on Dec 9th, 2012 at Masjid Baittusalam, Kalimalang. I was so happy because her wedding is the most awaited wedding for me and our friends.. Hihihi..

I went there with my hubby and leave Kenza at my mom's house, and of course with ASIP (pumped asi) for him to drink. Usually it works.. Tapiiii.. Once I arrived at Siti&Mamet wedding, orang rumah mulai bombarded me with bbm and PING thousand times! They said Kenza can't stop crying to be breastfed and he didn't want the ASIP.. Waalaahhh.. Heboh dehh.. Mana mantennya baru dateng kaann.. But I know that I can't stay there any longer.. Jadilah aku langsung pulang without salaman ama yang punya hajat.. Huhuhu.. Through this post, I would like to apologize to Siti and Mamet for not being able to stay longer in your wedding due to emergency call from home that Kenza is crying for Amam's milk..

Siti dan Mamet, once again congratulations for your new life.. New journey.. Mudah-mudahan pernikahan kalian menjadi pernikahan yang selalu diberkahi Allah SWT, bahagia selalu, dan senantiasa menjadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah, warohmah.. You should know that marriage life is happier, funner, more challenging and full of tolerance.. Hihihi.. Once again congrats sayaaang...

What I wear:
Inner Ninja (broken white): Such! by Suci Utami
Scarf (broken white): Such! by Suci Utami cerruti series
Top: Selcuk Frostya by @miyromiiy (highly recommended)

Neon Carnivore

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

How you spend your Sunday nite? Me? I spend it by wearing neon outfit and eat ribs for dinner! Yumm..

Inner ninja: Such! By Suci Utami
Neon Lime scarf: Such! By Suci Utami cerruti series
Neon tribal Top: Gaudi
Outer: Misla, follow their tweets @MISLAWebstore
Pants: Topshop
Flats: Zara

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Brown, Black and Bow

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

Recently I went to PIM (Pondok Indah Mall) a lot. Since Kenza loves going there (emaknya apalagi) and this mall is so convenient for baby and for parents who bring baby. And also I have deeply in love with my new scarf. Have a good day beautiful! 

Inner Ninja (black): Such! by Suci Utami
Scarf: Pull & Bear
Outer: H&M
Skirt: Restu Anggraini
Flats: Zara 

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

YEAAYYy! Finally I make a new hijab tutorial.. I call it as Simple and Elegant because this hijab style is not hard to follow but the result quite sophisticated to be worn both in special occasion or just for hangout. FYI, my brand Such! by Suci Utami just launch our new product. It called SUCH! Cerruti Series. We provide you with many color options, from neon to pastel color.

in this tutorial, I wear pink scarf from SUCH! Cerruti series.. Enjoy!

To order, please click here

Sweet Pink

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Its December already.. 2012 will soon come to an end and switch to 2013.. Are you ready for the new year coming? Am I? Sureee.. I have planned several projects that make me can't wait to start..

Kenza is doing great! He will turn 3 months this December 19th..and still ASI for him.. Alhamdulillah.. Hope he's always healthy, happy, and cute cute cute as always..

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Blue Feather

Scarf by: Janeeta Scarf (follow their tweet or Instagram @janeetascarf)
Blazer: H&M
Dress: Topshop
Shoes: Follow their tweets @REALincstore

Monday, November 26, 2012

HIJABIST Book Tour to Bandung PART: II

Assalamualaikum beautiful,

Day two of our booktour to Bandung.. Hari kedua ini agendanya isi acara di engajian HC Bandung yg bertempat di butik Alifa, BKR. Acara pengajiannya sendiri terdiri dari beberapa acara, diantaranya ada Writing Class with Terrant Book dengan Mba Via Erdyan sebagai pembicaranya. Disitu para hijabers bisa dapet ilmu soal menulis, karena sebenarnya semua orang bisa nulis cerita. Tinggal dikembangkan aja sesuai dengan minat masing-masing. Setelah acara writing class, ada tausyiah bersama Ustad Ali mengenai entrepreneurship. Lagi-lagi isi tausyiahnya berguna banget bagi temen-temen yangsedang atau mau memulai usaha sendiri. Karena kan yang seperti kita tau, makin kesini makin banyak anak-anak muda kreatif dan inovatif yang lebih memilih untuk bekerja sendiri atau bahkan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan baru dibanding harus bekerja ada orang lain. Nah disini dibahas nih dari segi islam bagaimana. Baru deh, setelah tausyiah.. acara aku, siti dan etu.. kami disana basically untuk membahas buku (novel) yang baru aja kami luncurkan. Yaa, kita cerita bagaimana prosesnya, dari awal brainstorming, penulisan sampai finishing.

We're so happy being included in this Hijabist Tour. Hopefully para peserta juga seneng dan mendapatkan sesuatu yang berguna bagi mereka. Can't wait to have another book tour to other cities in Indonesia.

See you at the next book tour ya.. Go follow @terranthijabist or visit their website www.hijabist.com for more info and stay updated by their events!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HIJABIST Book Tour to Bandung PART: I

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

This post gonna be both in Indonesia and English, mix mix.. Jadi pada tanggal 17-18 Nov kemarin Terrant Hijabist, our book publisher held a book tour for our readers who wants to experience traveling with us (me, Siti and Etu). So the first destination for this tour is Bandung. Para peserta pun berangkat bersama dari Jakarta jam 7 pagi naik bus yang nyaman banget. On day 1, kita trip ke The Dreams Cake home shop. Disana kita boleh ngintip proses produksi jarcake The Dreams Cake yang terkenal itu plus kita juga bisa mendengar sharing dari owner of TDC, Dara Rahma Illahiya.

First, kita diajak keliling tempat produksi dulu nih. Dibawah ini beberapa tahap akhir pembuatan rainbow jarcake. Yang bulet-bulet itu cake nya, yang nantinya akan diratakan trus ditumpuk didalam jar with cream in every layer.

Nah ini dia cake yang sudah dirapihkan bentuknya, kemudian diletakan didalam toples dengan warna selang seling. Namanya juga rainbow ya, harus warna warni and gonjreng. FYI, this rainbow jarcake taste so yummy, sweet and smell so good since the cream base is milk. Yummmmm..

These are not colorful bread, but these are also rainbow sponge cake for bigger cake instead of jarcake. 

After looking around the production area, Teh Dara (the owner) share with us about the start of The Dreams Cake company and how did it goes. Ternyata untuk memulai dan menjalani usaha kuliner seperti ini banyak tantangannya lho. Yang awalnya teh Dara iseng-iseng cari kegiatan setelah moving back from Perth, eh akhirnya malah keterusan berbisnis kuliner ini. Rough start, mulai dari ditolak beberapa toko untuk menitip produknya, sampai banyak copy cat yang meniru produk serupa. Well, itulah bisnis.. We got to be tough though.. Berkat keuletan dan kegigihan teh Dara dalam membangun usaha ini, sekarang The Dreams Cake sudah punya beberapa cabang di Bandung, Jakarta dan Medan. Well done! Keren! Pas ditanya soal omzet, ibu 1 anak ini malu-malu.. But I'm sure it must be BIG!

After curhat session with Teh Dara, mba Via.. our beloved Mba Via (CEO of Terrant) give her speech regarding this book tour. Tujuan dari book tour ini selain jalan-jalan bareng, bisa jadi ajang silaturahmi dan sharing satu sama lain. Diharapkan peserta bisa mendapatkan pengalaman sekaligus ilmu baru during this trip. 

And here comes the fun part! They let us create our own cupcakes! yeaaayyyyy.. we're so excited.. They gave us cupcake and decoration tools. And so we start, seriously.. My face tell..
Siti busy with her bbm.. bbm-ing...... You know who :p

And this is Me, Siti and Etu along with our own cupcake creations.. yeaayyy! Siti's cupcake is the sexiest one since me and Etu create hijabers figure while Siti creates....hmmmm.. Betty Boop alike figure.
 Thanks The Dreams Cake for a great experience and meaningful sharing..
You may follow their tweet @TheDreamsCake 
Home shop: Jl. BKR No. 22 Bandung

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

HOW I draw my eyebrow

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

I received many questions about my eyebrow.. If I may break down the question list, probably like this:
1. Do they tattoed? NO
2. Alisnya di sulam? NO
3. Alisnya dicukur? NO
4. Cara bikin alisnya gimana? How to make your eyebrow to be like that?

Well, I'll share it to you..
1. Your natural default eyebrow ready to be made over and be drew
2. First thing you should do is, start draw a frame or shape of eyebrow that you want.. This step is the most essential and need full concentration.. Since left and right eyebrow should be even and precisely draw. All you need is relax hand and sharp eyebrow pencil.
3. After shaping/ framing is done, you may start coloring it.
4. Still looking harsh and stiff right? Shades the inner tip of your eyebrow using the cap of the pencil or you can use your finger instead. By shades them, your eyebrow will looks more natural..
5. Tadaaa! And its done.. You can see a huge different between picture 1 and 5, can't youu?

NB: you may use any brand of cosmetics and color as you like.

Hope you like it, and have a great trial :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hello World

Assalamualaikum beautiful,

Wooowww so sorry for a long postponed in this blog.. Phew! What should I say, having a baby makes my life more content.. I almost have no time to start my laptop, to take proper picture to be posted in this blog.. Sowwyyyy..

Well this motherhood life is sooooooo fun! My son is almost 2 months now, and seeing his progress day by day is precious.. And alhamdulillah he's still breastfed til now.. Hopefully I can breastfeed him exclusively for 6 months.. Aamiin..

And thanks to breastfeed, I can lost 15 kgs in 2 months without any diet at all.. On the other hand, I ate a lot.. Like 4 times a day in a big big portions every meal.. And still losing weight, what a perfect thing.. Ahahaha..

Anyway, I update my Instagram (@suciutami) more often than updating my blog.. So meanwhile you can follow my instagram instead..

Thursday, October 11, 2012


ECLIPSE Pashmina by SUCH! (New arrival)

Posing with Aztec

AZTEC Pashmina by SUCH! (New arrival)

This photoshoot need to be postponed for 2 times due to Kenza's cry for ASI.. hehehe..

Monday, October 1, 2012

190912 - Another Best Day of My Life

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Huooooowww.. this is epic! since this is the first post after gave birth to a very handsome son.. yes, son.. I have son now.. I'm officially "ibu ibu" now.. yeaaayy.. Yaa, this post is all about my son and laboring process that I had. Bahasanya mix mix lah ya.. hehehe

Ya, seperti yang udah aku ceritakan di 2 post sebelumnya, I should have c-section for my first labor. Dan akhirnya aku dan suami pun memutuskan tanggal 19 September sebagai tanggal untuk aku melahirkan putra pertama kami. Kenapa tanggal 19? Kata Papapnya, 19 angka bagus.. pemain bola yg nomer punggung 19 jago-jago (yeah right..) ahahaha.. Tapi basically karena tanggal 19 itu besoknya libur pilkada, jadi ya lebih leluasa aja untuk keluargaku kalo mau nemenin di RS. Gitu deh pokonya.. hehe

Aku masuk RS tanggal 18 sorenya, alhamdulillah langsung dapet kamar karena sebelumnya memang udah booking sih (macam hotel aja ya).. Sesampainya di RS, langsung deh dilakukan beberapa observasi pra operasi sesar. Diantaranya rekam jantung bayi (CTG), jantung ibu, cek lab, tekanan darah, cukur (hah cukur?? iya cukurr.. no need further explanation over this). Alhamdulillah semuanya normal, bahkan suster sempet cek ASI ku apakah sudah keluar atau belum.. dan ternyataa.. alhamdulillah udaahh.. haduuhh subhanallah ngerasa tenang dan percaya diri pd saat itu.. awalnya ASI lah yg agak aku khawatirkan, takut pas abis melahirkan gk bisa langsung nyusuin anakku.. tp setelah suster cek dan ternyata ada, huaaahh.. alhamdulillah.. seneng luar biasa..

Operasi masih akan dilakukan keesokan paginya, jam 9 pagi tepatnya.. karena itu aku disuruh puasa mulai dari jam 12 malem sampai waktunya operasi.. Entah kenapa selama penantian operasi itu aku ngerasa super tenang, relax and very excited to see my son for the first time! wow.. I start imagined how his face will be.. will he be like me, or my husband.. aaaaa.. super duper excited until it was kinda hard to sleep.. hehe

Yeay! today is D day.. I will meet my son for the first time.. sooooo excited.. aku udah mandi dan sholat subuh.. udah wangiii.. siap-siap mau ketemu anakku.. waktu sebelum operasi aku sempet nanya ke dokter, "Dok, nanti pas operasi aku boleh pake softlense dan eyeliner gak?" (maksudnya biar rada kece gitu pas difoto pertama kali ama anak dan gak burem pas liat muka anak).. ehh kata dokter gak boleh.. mending pake kacamata aja sekalian, and no make up..hmm yasudahlah aku terima kenyataan ini.. heuhehehe..

Operasi yang awalnya dijadwalkan jam 08.00, ternyata harus diundur sampai jam 09.00 karena dokternya ada tindakan yg lbh urgent. Okay, aku yg udah agak senewen ini bolak balik liat jam.. nunggu suster-suster masuk untuk bawa aku ke ruang operasi. Jam menunjukkan pukul 08.30, dan yupp! rombongan suster pun dateng ke kamarku untuk bawa aku ke ruang operasi. Para suster itu pun bareng-bareng dorong tempat tidurku dan mereka tampaknya sangat keberatan. Emang gw segede ape seeehhhh.. ya emang gede sihh.. tapi masa ampe segitu susahnya.. bzzzzttt.. well anyway, long story short.. tibalah aku di ruang operasi.. Jeng jeng jeeeeeng.. Dinginn, tempat tidurnya kecil beralaskan perlak warna coklat, banyak peralatan kedokteran.. harusnya gw deg degan kan ya.. tapi ngga loohhh.. masih bisa becanda ama suster..

Lalu dokter anestesi pun masuk (dokter bius) trus nyuruh aku duduk.. which was big effort yaah.. secara tempat tidur cilik bgt, badan udah berat, perut gede.. lagi tiduran disuruh bangun.. hadehh.. yasudah, akhirnya duduk dan dokter udah nyiapin suntikan segede gaban (tau gaban gak? aku jg ngga sih) trus beliau bilang klo aku akan disuntik dibagian tulang belakang, dan untuk itu aku harus duduk menunduk kaya udang.. Etttt si dokter, gak paham banget kayanya klo perutku udah guedee dan ngganjel.. but then again, manut waeee.. trus disuntikinlah itu suntikan jarum besar ke tulang belakangku.. Instantly langsung kerasa anget dari mulai pinggul kebawah, dan agak kerasa kesemutan and suddenly I can't feel my legs! ngeri abis.. Waktu itu aku dibius lokal, maksudnya yg dibius hanya bagian yg akan dioperasi saja.. sedangkan akunya tetap sadar.. biarpun sadar tapi agak ngefly juga sih..

Ada layar kecil didepanku yg menutupiku supaya gak bisa lihat whats goin on down there.. yang aku ingat, obgyn ku megang bahuku sambil bilang, "Suci, kita mulai ya operasinya.. berdoa terus ya.." okay, aku pun terus berdoa komat kamit meanwhile si dokter ngobrol aja gtu selagi obok-obok perutku.. sampai pada akhirnya dokter asisten yang ada dibelakang aku tiba-tiba ngedorong perutku..andddd "oeeekkkkk.." I heard the first cry of my baby.. and the doctor said, "Selamat yaa Bu, anaknya laki-laki.." I was so happy, tapi kesenengannya itu gk bisa terlalu gimana karena aku makin ngefly.. kayanya bius mulai bekerja.. aku ngantuk, mata kriyep kriyep.. sampai akhirnya suster membawa bayiku trus nyuruh aku nyium.. Subhanallah, baru deh berasa indah bgtt.. I saw him.. I saw him.. and then he was laid down on my chest for bonding time.. I felt him.. I felt him.. Alhamdulillah..

Setelah itu anakku dibawa ke Papapnya untuk di adzanin.. Papapnya bilang, suaranya bergetar waktu adzan, dan matanya berkaca kaca..

and here you go, my Son....

Kenza Annafi Budy

Kenza: Harta (Treasure)
Annafi: Pemberi Manfaat (The source of any benefit and goodness)
Budy: Papap's first name

Welcome to the world Kenza sayang.. 

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