Warung Bebas

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy New Year 1433 H

Assalamualaikum Beeautiful,

Alhamdulillah a new year has come.. Subhanallah.. Time flies, yes it does.. I realize there are so many mistakes what I've done in the past year, but I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. All those mistakes from the past I treat as many lessons that I should learn and experience to be remembered. Well, for this new year, let's maintain our good deeds from the past and make them even better.. For the wrong-doing? just remember not to redo them.. May Allah continuously shower us with blessings, rizqi, barokah, prosperous and happy life.. Aamiin..

Aaaand, I made (actually my husband made me) a very short new year greetings video.. Hope you like it.. Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR or HAPPY MAAL HIJRAH everyone.. :)

The art of Photoshop

Thursday, November 24, 2011

How I Met My Husband

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Recently, I read a blog post from my good friend Kara.. The post is about her story and her hubby back when they were still "PDKT" (I don't know what is that in English).. and that story inspired me to do the same.. hehehe..

Aaand, I think I'm gonna do this post in Indonesia..

Oke, waktu SMA.. aku anak yang lumayan.. hmm cupu. Ya bener, cupu.. cupu dalam artian bukan cewe" SMA yang terkenal, yang sering nongkrong di kantin, yang klo jalan di lorong sekolah disapa semua orang.. gak , bukan yang gitu.. pokonya biasa aja.. Aku tipe yang dateng ke sekolah subuh-subuh (gak subuh juga sih, pokonya paling pagi), trus seringnya dikelas, lalalala.. Singkat cerita, waktu baru masuk SMA.. aku pernah jadi panitia kebersihan untuk acara pensi sekolahku.. ya maklum anak baru, so kalo pun jadi panitia, ya bagian kebersihan. Nah waktu itu bareng ama anak kelas 1 lainnya, salah satunya ada cowo putih berkacamata, lumayan "keliatan" karena dia tinggi bgt.. Namanya, Budy.

Lalalala.. pokonya cuma tau cowo tinggi, putih, kurus itu namanya Budy. Okee, tau doang. Trus ternyata, pas kenaikan kelas 2.. kami sekelas.. Kelas 2.8 (jieehhh).. Ya pokonya kenalan, kenal, pedekate lumayan lama, dan akhirnya kalo istilah anak SMA jaman dulu (jaman sekarang juga kali ya) kami pun jadian.. ehemmm.. tanggalnya 10 Maret 2004..

Kita pun jalanin masa-masa temenan dekat ini selama beberapa tahun.. Yaa, namanya orang deket.. Ups and downs nya pasti ada.. sampai pada akhirnya, pada tanggal 31 Januari 2010.. Yang juga bertepatan dengan hari ulang tahun aku yang ke 23.. He gave me such an unforgettable birthday present ever! Dia kasih aku frame ukuran A3 dan sebuah spidol untuk whiteboard.. Tentunya frame itu gak kosong dong.. Didalem frame itu, ada ini........

dan saat dia kasih gambar ini, he bended on his knees and gave me... Spidol.. hehehe.. untuk tulis jawabannya di bubble aku.. dan dengan bismillah, aku jawab "Mau kiting.. yopyuu.." ahhahaha.. gak tau mau jawab apalagi selain itu.. Jadi, officially.. dia ngelamar aku dan ngajak nikah.. alhamdulillah.. It was unforgettable moment, and was sweet.. Mengingat dia bukan orang yang romantis, kalo pun mau nunjukin keromantisannya bukan dengan cara yang mainstream.. Instead of gave me ring, or flower.. he gave me this picture, and a marker.. :) 

Ya setelah itu, prosesi-prosesi seperti biasanya orang mau nikah.. pertemuan keluarga, lamaran, trus nikah deh di tahun yang sama.. tepatnya tanggal 6 November 2010.. Alhamdulillah.. 

Alhamdulillah anniversary kami yang pertama sudah lewat.. Subhanallah.. We're simple, happy, silly couple.. Mudah2an Allah senantiasa melindungi pernikahan kami dari hal-hal yang buruk dan tidak menyenangkan.. Aamiin.. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blue and Brown

Visit INACRAFT Malaysia

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Yesterday I went to KLCC to visit INACRAFT in Malaysia. It is an exhibition of the largest quality design of Indonesian handycraft. The exhibition held on November 19 - 22, 2011 in Hall 5 KLCC, Malaysia. Well, the exhibition was under my expectation though. But after all, I love being there. Reminds me of my country, the music, the handycraft even the smell. I didn't take too many picture while I was there, because the place was a bit quiet, and.. hmm empty.. hehe.. so I was just looking around.. and around..

Forever 21 cardigan, Such! Inner Ninja and Cotton Pashmina,
Promod pants, VNC sandals, Unbranded bag
 Well, I didn't bought anything from Inacraft.. but at least I got this badge for FREE! yeaahh, I love free stuffs.. ahahaha.. *just kidding* *well actually half kidding and half true*

And most of you tweet me and said that I'm "curvier" and chubbier.. well, what can I say? I'm happy! that's it.. :) Alhamdulillah.. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hijab Tutorial 5: "Decorative Hijab"

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Another hijab tutorial to share to you.. Its quite decorative model of hijab.. By making a flower-look-alike shape from the cotton pashmina. As always, in this tutorial I'm wearing black inner ninja by Such! and deep tosca Cotton Cloth Pashmina (CCP) also by Such!. This hijab model is a little bit tricky.. it needs a little more practice, I did too.. When making this video, I made a lot of mistakes that makes me have to redo it over and over.. But please don't give up.. his hijab style would be suitable for any occasion.. informal to formal.. Hopefully you'll enjoy it.. Thanks beautiful.. :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ongoing Project

Assalamualaikum Beautiful, 

I wanna share a little bit about my upcoming project, well its ongoing actually. It supposed to be done by this month. But unfortunately because of a bit obstacles here ans there, we have to postpone for more times. But please don't worry.. It'll be coming soon and please stay with me on this.  

Yes, it is Such! by Suchi webstore, where you can shop easier and be handled faster than now. We realize that maybe our service might haven't been perfect, yet. But we always try our best to provide the best for you. For me, Such! is my dream.. a dream that now becomes reality. I have a big passion in fashion, cloths, marketing, public relations, designing.. and Subhanallah in Such! I can objectify all of that. I also want to dedicate my hard work and passion to all the customer who have trusted and become such a great friend for us.. It means a lot.. Without you, we can't get this far.. Thank you thank you thank youuuu.. Love you all..

Perfect Getaway

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Just had a great day recently.. Alhamdulillah my hubby just finished his final exam and he has more time with me. And everytime we had a chance to have our quality time, we always choose IKEA as our getaway. IKEA is a very special place for us, especially for me. There, I can imagine how our future house will be like.. Aamiin.. Even for know, we can only keep that imagination in mind.. but insyaAllah, one day Allah will give us our dream house.. Aamiin..

Best thing about IKEA is, they provide us a store and interior exhibition where we can experience all the exhibition space. Usually, in common furniture exhibition.. the guest do not allow to try the furniture, right? They put a sign such as "Please Kindly Do Not Sit" or anything similar to that. But here, we can sit, try, play with it, and even taking pictures! Using any kind of camera.. hehehe.. I love love love being here.. 

IKEA came with the solution for small space, small house, etc. They brings out so many ideas how to trick small space into a very comfy place to live in. I think it might suitable for newlyweds.

 Those are our wish list.. hehe.. you see that black chair? Wowww it was sooo comfy.. once you sit there, making you so hard to get up! ahahaha.. The dining table is so lovely.. And the kitchen?? Woww, if I have kitchen like that.. I'll sleep in it! ahahaha..

Feels like home to me... :)

We end up having Thai food for lunch and we love it.. oowwhh, what a great day.. what a perfect date with husband.. what a quality time we had.. May Allah always allow us to be like this forever.. Aamiin..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fuchsia and Blue

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

I am terribly ill recently.. I got fever, cold, cough, ulcer, you name it.. :( But alhamdulillah its getting better anyway.. :)

Gaudi knitted top, Such! upcoming Drape Skirt, Bata flat shoes, Such! CCP,
Such! Inner Ninja

Such! CCP Benhur Blue, Such! Upcoming Jumpsuit, Gaudi Knitted top,
C&K heels

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We're Blogger, and We're Married!

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

yesterday, I got the chance to meet famous muslimah blogger whose also my friends in blogging world. It was my first time meet all of them but Siti. I met Kara, Ola, Fitri, Fika, Siti and Romiy (her blog is coming soon). I really enjoy our meeting yesterday, even though we haven't met each other closely before, but we bond quite quick, hehehe.. Our bonding mostly caused by our conversation about marriage life, well newly weds life! All things fun to share, full of knowledge, lalalala.. FYI, we're all married but one, Siti hasn't married yet, but I hope soon yaa.. ;) I'd like to share pictures from our meeting yesterday.. As always, we took so many pictures, moreover Siti is a very very very good photographer and her camera turns us to be great looking.. hehehe.. we also do the photobooth thingy.. It was fun, for sure..

and since it was my first time meeting all of them but Siti, I really want to share my testimony about each of them..

With Fika
Actually it wasn't first time I met Fika, we've met in HC launching event. But we didn't talk that much, just say hi and chit chat a bit. And yesterday, I got the chance to know more about her. Aaaa I adore her, she's so humble.. smiling a lot.. she's the ice breaker in every awkward moment.. hehehe.. She's so nice, mature, and of course.. Beautiful.. even more beautiful in person.

With Siti
Meeting Siti yesterday was not my first time. But I will also give testimony about Siti anyway. Siti always looks stunning in every picture, right? But in the real life.. she's such an innocent girl that spoke sooo quietly, not much facial expression, kalo kata Kara "planga plongo" heuhehehe *piss Sitii.. But I always like her, her style, her personality, her SKILL of photography and making artworks. Aaahh, Siti is creativity booster. And hopefully she'll be married soon, to make it more official.

With Fitri
 Woohoo.. This is the most unexpected one. Fitrii.. I know her from her blog, and then we exchange Blackberry pin, follow each other's twitter and we're getting close through those media. All I know, so far she's soo wise, calm, "keibuan", serius, lalalala.. But when I met her, wohoo.. she's very outspoken and gokil! you know gokil? Gokil issss.. ya gokil lah.. asikk.. heuhehehe.. Beyond expectation.. Seruu deh ngobrol-ngobrol ama Fitri.. obrolannya juga yang diluar nalar.. ahahaha.. she's incredibly nice, and such a figure of good wife. I can tell.

with Romiy
Romiy, came later than all of us. But some sayin that better late than never, right? She hasn't created a blog yet, but soon. We kept encouraging her to create a blog, again to make it more official.. hehehe.. Romiy is so funny, sweet and also humble. Although I only met her quickly, but I can say that she's very nice. Besok-besok datengnya duluan ya romiiyyy..

With Ola
Naahh, Ola is one of the reason why we held this meeting. Ola is the only one who have pregnant from all of us, alhamdulillah.. Barakallah.. Subhanallah.. Rest of us who have been married and not yet pregnant really want to hear Ola's experience and "petuah" serta "wejangan" about the Dos and Don'ts.. Ola very sweet, a bit quite.. well because her pregnancy still early and like most of preggie women, she was a little bit sick. So happy for her pregnancy, hopefully everything goes well and may Allah always give her and her baby health. Aamiin.. Pray for her okayy..

with Kara
Naaahhh.. Finally I met Kara! Buat yang follow twitter kita mungkin dah gerah kalo liat twit"an kita yang mau janjian ketemu tapi gak pernaahh jadi. Akhirnyaa, kemarin ketemu juga ama Kara. Heran deh, banyak yang bilang Kara itu jutek, datar, susah senyum.. Aslinya??? EMBEERRRR.. ahahahaha.. Iya, benar Kara rajut (rada jutek), datar, susah senyum.. tapi awal-awal doaaaang.. hehehe.. After mingling, chatting, laughing, lumer juga koq akhirnya kekakuan Kara.. hehehe.. She's pretty, cool abiss, asikk.. and I really looking forward for our next meeting.. :) Nice to know youu..

Overall, I loooooove them.. and we're arranging plan to have meeting every month. hihihi.. excited.. Thanks girls.. :*

All Photos by: Siti Juwariyah

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