Warung Bebas

Friday, October 28, 2011

Owl City Concert in Jakarta

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Last night I just saw Owl City in concert in Jakarta. Have you heard about Owl City before? Owl City is a band from Minnesota, US. Adam Young, their lead man and also the singer of Owl City is a genius! I love their songs because sounds unique, modern, easy listening, layback, fun, well you can enjoy so many different elements in their songs. And when I knew they gonna have concert in Indonesia, I bought the ticket right away! and the show was yesterday.. Pheww, no words can describe how was their performance last night! it was awesome, superb, wow.. Love it, full of energy.. I went to the concert with my siblings.. First, I was a bit confuse of what to wear.. but finally I decide to wear something comfy and simple, and this is what I wear..

CCP and Inner Ninja from Such!, Promod pants, others are unbranded
 And recently, I love my sister's style.. she became more stylish and girly.. and this is what she wears:

Topshop denim jacket, Cache animal printed mini dress,
Forever 21 bag, Andre Valentino flat shoes
 The ticket are on our hand! yeayy.. but we still had to stay in line to get inside the venue. The gate was opened at 6 pm. We've already there since 5 pm.. well, we don't wanna missed a thing!

And we met the big boss of JavaMusikindo, who were the event organizer of the concert. we took picture with Om Adrie Subono. He's so nice, still willing to take picture with us while he was so busy organizing things. 

Ahahaha! we also took picture with Adam Young who happened his hair is similar to Justin Bieber. Well, I over heard strangers who make jokes out of it, they said "wow, we bought ticket to see Adam Young, not Justin Bieber" LOL!

We've already in the venue, we get the tribune seat because we're not typical people who like to be pushed here and there or get our foot stepped by some strangers.. ahaha.. Besides, the view from the tribune area not that bad. Yesterday rain was really hard outside, that's why Om Adrie tweeted that the show is gonna be postponed for sometimes in order to wait others who stuck in Jakarta's raining traffic. While waiting, we took picturesss!

Its 7pm, and the venue was still half full.. or maybe 1/4.. but the show is start on 8pm anyway.. so, I still have to wait for about 1 more hour. I'd rather wait longer on the spot than I should stuck in Jakarta's-after rain-traffic. pheww! 

And finally! the show was start.. On 8.15pm.. The show was opened by new artist named Brianne Duren. She's singer and she sings with keyboard. Her voice was so cute and I love her songs.. What a good start.. And after she sang 5 songs, ADAM YOUNG was in da house! yeaayyy.. and the concert was started. 

Overall, I love the show! and it was totally worth to wait. They played 19 songs before they took off from the stage and then came back to sang 2 more songs after we shout "WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE!!!" Nice.. They play almost all of my favorite songs but one, they didn't sing "Vanilla Twilight" huhuhu.. sadd.. but its okay, they gave us more than my expectation anyway.. So it doesn't matter.. and I'd like to share with you the video from last night.. this is when Owl City sang "Fireflies".. and pleaasseeee excuse my pitchy-sing a long-voice.. sorryyyy.. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Alhamdulillah.. I made it

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

This post is gonna be done in bahasa since this is such an emotional thing for me.

Alhamdulillah, kemarin tanggal 24 Oktober 2011 merupakan hari yang cukup bersejarah untukku. Bukan hanya bersejarah, tapi juga berkesan, unforgettable, etc. Kemarin adalah hari dimana thesis hearing untuk studi S2 ku berlangsung. Kenapa bersejarah? Karena to get to this point, it wasn't easy.

S2 ini seharusnya sudah bisa rampung dari tahun 2010 lalu. Aku lulus S1 pada tahun 2009 dan ketika itu alhamdulillah bisa mendapat program akselerasi untuk ambil program S2 disaat aku masih semester 7.. Tapi sayang, program master yang seharusnya bisa selesai di tahun 2010 terpaksa harus tertunda karena hal yang tidak kalah pentingnya. Karena ketika itu, deadline pengumpulan thesis sangat berdekatan dengan hari pernikahanku. Yes, my wedding.. See? Gak kalah pentingnya kan? Tentu saja.. Dan karena alasan kesehatan pula, akhirnya aku mengorbankan untuk menunda pendidikanku yg wkt itu tinggal 10% lagi. Berat? Yaiya.. Karena tinggal sedikit lagi untuk menyelesaikan studiku.. Dan yang paling bikipn berat, aku takut mengecewakan orang tuaku.. Nyesel? Sangat ngga.. karena menunda sebentar untuk sesuatu yang lebih berharga.. keluarga.. suamiku.. Subhanallah..

Sempet terpikir untuk lupain aja lah gelar master ini, toh aku udah meraih satu gelar yang selama ini aku idam-idamkan.. Gelar sebagai seorang istri dari laki-laki sholeh yang aku cintai.. Alhamdulillah.. tapi kemudian ada salah satu temen aku, namanya Miranti.. "Pinching" me, and remind me that.. aku masih punya tanggung jawab yang harus aku selesaikan.. demi orang tuaku.. Yes pendidikan tinggi itu penting, tapi buat aku.. membanggakan dan menyenangkan orang tua lebih penting. Jadi akhirnya aku putuskan untuk lanjutkan thesisku yang terbengkalai, demi orang tuaku.

Dan subhanallah, akhirnya di tanggal 24 Oktober 2011 aku dinyatakan LULUS sebagai Master Komunikasi dari The London School of Public Retations-Jakarta untuk jurusan Marketing Communication. Seneng, haru, gak percaya.. akhirnya bisa lulus juga. Waktu sidang aku ditemenin sama Ibu dan Ibu mertuaku.. Subhanallah, saat itu aku doang yang sidang dianterin Mama-mama.. mahasiswa yang lain pada dateng sendiri.. Malu?? Naudzubillah, gak sama sekali.. Malah aku seneng bgt bisa dianterin dan ditungguin Ibu dan mertuaku. Buat aku, they are my trully supporter, cheerleader dan bank doa yang insyaAllah doanya paling diijabah Allah SWT.. aamiin.. Waktu sidang suami gak bisa temenin karena suamiku juga lagi berjuang dengan studynya.. :) jadi sama-sama berjuang deh..

Hal yang paling ditakutin kalo amit-amit waktu kemaren, misalnya gak lulus itu.. bukan apa-apa melainkan aku takut bikin orang tua dan suamiku kecewa.. itu aja.. aku gak mau bikin mereka sedih.. dan syukur alhamdulillah pas tau ternyata aku lulus, subhanallah legaaa bgt.. jadi keluar ruang sidang bisa tersenyum dan bisa telpon suami dengan semangat '45! Making them proud and happy, that's all matter to me. Bukan berarti meraih gelar ini gak penting ya buat aku, ya penting juga.. tapi bukan yang terpenting.. :)

So, alhamdulillah.. sekarang aku bisa lebih fokus ngurus keluarga dan bisnisku.. mudah"an ilmu yang selama ini aku tuntut (kasian ya ilmu gak salah apa-apa dituntut mulu), bisa berguna/ bermanfaat untukku, keluargaku, dan orang lain.. Aamiin..

Narsis sebelum sidang, gapapa lah yaaa.. 

New Friends, the TOP 20

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Have you heard about "Such! Model Hunt 2"? its a project of Such!, my online boutique,  to search muslimah model. And finally, I can meet the Top 20 on October 22nd. Yeaayyy.. It was a really really really reaaallyyy fun day. Having a chance to meet them is superb! They are very nice, humble, fun, easy going, ramee.. hehehe.. and until now, we still keep in touch very well. I love them, love love.. new friends.. alhamdulillah.. And here are the pictures from our meeting, the dress code was anything shocking pink, purple and black.

Left-Right: Elok, Zahra. Novie, Me, Natasha, Ajeng, Synta

Left-Right: Pauline, Dika, Dian, Me, Uun, Tika, Ucha

Left-Right: Anna, Tasya, Nola, Me, Eckie, Ludmilla

Our happy face! yeaayyy

And these photos taken from our phone camera:

With Elok
With Nola

With Mba Novie

With Eckie

With Tika and Intan

What I wear: 

Upcoming Such! Collection

 Looking forward for our next meeting.. but not for Model Hunt thingy, just hang out.. :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sister Time

What I Wear: Such! Upcoming Long Cardigan, Such! Upcoming Jumpsuit, 
Such! Cotton Cloth Pashmina, Such! Inner Ninja, C&K Shoes

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dapur Si Teteh

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Since I have cooking as one of my hobbies, so I decided to make another blog to share food recipes. I called it "Dapur Si Teteh", sounds cheesy, right? hehehe.. But I guess that's what represent me the most because my family call me Teteh (its Sundanese word meaning: Sister). So, I hope this blog will be useful for you who are now learning to cook, just like me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vintage Black and White

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Just had another photoshoot (by myself) and make up experiment (by myself) using vintage concept. The make up inspired by Elizabeth Taylor, vintage bold eyeliner and eyebrow.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Make Up Tutorial: Strong Eyeliner

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Another tutorial video that I made, make up tutorial video.. Well actually, let me share a bit.. I love experimenting with make up, especially eye makeup.. Bold eye shadow, eyeliner, etc.. I love buying makeup products but I never use them that often. So, I need that makeups that I have, have their function and it'll be an added value if I can use them for something good as it sharing to you girls.. I know that my makeup technique might not be perfect as the pros.. But well, we learn.. right? And hopefully by learning, we can get better and better.. :) Without further talking, here's the video.. Hopefully It'll be useful.. InsyaAllah.. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hijab Tutorial: Square Veil

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

After all these times I always make hijab tutorial using Cotton Cloth Pashmina (long shawl), now this is my first hijab tutorial using square scarf (jilbab paris). Hope it'll be useful and enjoy!


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